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Millis, MA, USA (800) 553-3554

Massachusetts Construction Site Guidelines from National Grid


Construction Site Procedures

Prior to installing a new service on private property, National Grid requires the site to be ready for us by meeting the following minimum guidelines: (For questions, please reference Blue Book for specifications and requirements of gas installation)

  • Any other buried utilities within three feet (3') on either side, or crossing, the proposed installation shall be installed prior to our installation.
    • This should be accompanied by a copy of the code that there cannot be a source of ignition within 3’ of the service. (Blue Book Pg. 3)
    • For special conditions, such as clearances between gas pipelines and high-voltage buried transmission cables, or clearances to buried steam lines, etc. contact National Grid.
  • The grounds should be at final grade. If not at final grade, the area shall be flat, within six inches (6”) of final grade and the area staked out with the final grade clearly marked on the stakes and building wall shall be marked indicating final grade at the proposed meter set location.
  • If a meter pad is required, it shall be installed after National Grid installation.
    • NOTE: Concrete pad shall not be poured around riser.” (Fitting Supervisor will set pad size)
  • For any construction or remodeling, the building shall have the final siding or brickwork installed.
  • There shall be no overhead equipment, such as scaffolding or jacks in the area of the National Grid construction site.
  • Meter set must be protected from debris and elements, including falling debris.
  • The path of our installation shall be free of construction debris and equipment.
    • For EBBO (Excavation and Backfill by Owner) only, trench needs to be open and a supply of clean sand provided on the job site.
    • Bottom of trench must have a sand base before the service is installed.
  • For projects with multiple phases or years, need to consider minimum space requirements to allow for remaining main installation if entire main is not installed all at once.
    • NOTE: National Grid policy is to install All necessary main at the same time if practical.
  • Retaining Walls
    • Customer is responsible for old retaining walls that pose a safety hazard to excavation crews.
  • Temporary heating, if allowed, must have:
    • Service location must be the same location and size as the permanent service and must be installed at the point of entry to the building.
      • Note: If service needs to be relocated after we installed, the customer will be responsible for costs.
  • Building up; including wall complete where permanent service and meter will be installed. Meter set must be protected from debris and elements, including falling debris.